Picture this: you’re tossing up suppliers for a critical job. You go to the first client meeting, walk in the door and they offer you a coffee—great start. You turn the corner to the meeting room, and you’re stopped in your tracks. There’s a large TV showcasing your brand in a customised welcome video. Now that makes a strong impression.
Digital signage is effective. You don’t need state-of-the-art tech or coding skills to make a statement. Showing your clients that you’re on top of current trends simply requires TVs or monitors with network connectivity and readily available cloudware. Xzibit prefers cloudware like Fusion Signage for their user-friendly interface and affordable solutions. We deploy it in our office to keep staff informed about current projects, news and birthdays, and to showcase our awesome clients.
Purchasing or using TVs and monitors you already own for signage is more sustainable and economical than repeatedly replacing material signage. Traditional signage can be expensive to update—requiring ample money and time to redesign, print and install. A Fusion subscription starts at $99 a year and you can change your messaging whenever and as frequently as you want to wow clients or visitors.

Xzibit clients like Daisy Hill Koala Centre and Mon Repos Turtle Centre are inherently committed to sustainable practices and need to seasonally update their displays, so Fusion Signage is the perfect solution. We’ve set them up with easy-to-use templates, organised licenses and provided quick tutorials on how to use the platform. This ensures they have complete control over their messaging, while the template helps to keep branding consistent; enabling them to focus on the content instead of design or coding.